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Progress Washington

September 30, 2005

Our Mission

Welcome to Progress Washington! This is a website devoted to engaging the voters of Washington State in an open dialogue concerning the politics and issues that concern us most. Ultimately, our goal is to act as a resource, providing vital information towards understanding state and local politics, whilst providing our own commentary on the latest news and stories.

Contrary to popular belief, federal politics, while it is the most covered topic in the news, is really the least important in our daily lives. The issues that matter most are the ones faced by our state and local politicians, not the federal government. Understanding the issues and knowing how our state government functions is essential if voters are to make the right decisions.

The writing staff here at Progress Washington makes no secret of our political leanings. While we are not affiliated with any political party, we are all self-described liberals. As such, we tend to sympathize far more with the Democratic Party. However, let us be clear, our ultimate bias is to lean as far away from bullshit as possible. All politicians will try to peddle bad ideas, lies, and strange ideology in one form or another, and it is our mission to muck out the crap which is clogging political dialogue in this state.

And so, from the capital of our great state, we are proud to present the online community with Progress Washington.


  • "Our mission is yet to be defined, but I can guarantee it will be liberal, and potentially awesome."

    I appreciate your honesty, grasshopper. You claim to be liberal; you don't know what you are doing; but, it'll be good. I'd say that's a pretty good definition of a "liberal."

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:30 PM, October 18, 2005  

  • Yeah, I've been meaning to update that thing. Oh well.

    By Blogger Paul Cannon, at 7:14 PM, October 18, 2005  

  • I take the "potentially awesome" part as a more pertinent truism for "liberal."

    By Blogger Lieblingskartoffel, at 10:09 AM, October 20, 2005  

  • There are many things that can be "potentially awesome," but so what? Liberal, and conservative for that matter, are simply labels that mean different things to different people. There is no such "truism" (i.e., self-evident truth) involved. I would be curious to know your thoughts on what an "awesome" liberal society would look like.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:42 PM, October 21, 2005  

  • It would look a lot like Norway, but warmer.

    By Blogger Paul Cannon, at 5:42 PM, October 21, 2005  

  • I'm sorry: I took you at face value. You said, " However, let us be clear, our ultimate bias is to lean as far away from bullshit as possible. All politicians will try to peddle bad ideas, lies, and strange ideology in one form or another, and it is our mission to muck out the crap which is clogging political dialogue in this state." I'm trying to understand your point of view, but I guess that I am guilty of overanalysis. I just expect that on a political site, you will discuss policy, philosophy, strategy. Convince me. I need something more than this is a liberal site and it's going to be awesome.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:37 PM, October 21, 2005  

  • Well, I suppose we should be lucky that we've gained one surprisingly active reader. My advice would be to reserve your judgment until we've actually started up.

    By Blogger Lieblingskartoffel, at 1:01 AM, October 22, 2005  

  • Hey guys, good job so far. If you ever do want to explore a little more closely the partisan side of things, the Thurston County Young Dems are always there for you.

    By Blogger Emmett, at 10:45 PM, December 08, 2005  

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